Education Loan Help
At Education World, special care is attached with every students who knock the door, and are not-so financially strong students or from poor background, extending the help and support. We guide them in getting financial assitance or Education Loan. We simplify the education loan process for our students. Multiple scholarship programs are constantly undertaken by Education World for underprivileged and meritorious students which enables them to receive the world class teaching without any overhead expenses.

Requirements for Loan Processing
At Education World, we are eager to help every students. Getting a loan is a critical step in your education journey. We are here to help you with the process. We will guide you through the process of applying for a loan and help you get the best possible deal.
Documents required:
Mark Sheet of last qualifying examinations including school and graduate studies in India.
Copies of letter conferring scholarship, free ship, studentship, etc.
Documents evidencing the duration of course and commencement
Proof of admission to the course.
Schedule of expenses for the course.
Copies of foreign exchange permit (if applicable).
Passport Size Photographs
Statement of Bank account for the last six months of the borrower(s).
A copy of passport / voters ID card / proof of residence.